Monday, 20 December 2010

Analysis of existing systems/products similar to myproject:

Yummy Mummy Asia
Similarities: weekly blog, categories, what is happening in Hong Kong, tags
Title Analysis:
Navigation Analysis:

Title Analysis:
Navigation Analysis:
Title Analysis:

Navigation Analysis:

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Research Objectives and Results:

  • List items you need to find out about.
  • List the results/conclusions of the information that you have found out.
  • If you have tested any software/equipment show results/conclusions with screenshots/photos/video/text

I will need to find a good website making website
I found:

  1. Website 1:
    Build a Website when you have absolutely no knowledge of web hosting, ecommerce, ftp, php, cgi or anything else!
  2. Website 2: Webs:
    At Webs, we provide all the tools you need to create a professional-looking website in just minutes. Add a blog, forum, calendar, photo gallery, video gallery and much more. Want to turn your site into a social network? No problem! You also have the ability to add members and create personal profiles so you can turn your site into a community where friends, colleagues and family can connect and collaborate.
  3. Website 3: Site Fusion
    Our fast, flexible website builder
    If you can turn on a computer, you can use SiteFusion
    Build a beautiful site, without messy coding
    Also for designers: slice PSDs perfectly, in seconds
  4. Website 4: Moon Fruit
    Build your own professional looking site quickly and easily with our do-it-yourself website builder

Friday, 3 December 2010

Why use ICT for this?

Why create a website for my client?
This is due to the fact that the majority of people now have 24/7 access to the computer and the internet. People spend more time researching on the computer due to the simple fact that it is easier and faster. This is why my client asked me to create a website for the Yummy Mummy group: it will have a higher chance of success on the internet, where people can find it instantly, comment, and add daily blogs effortlessly.

Explain why an ICT solution is appropriate considering other non-ICT solutions in your explanation.
Yummy Mummy blogs daily, giving other mums who want information about upcoming events, places they can go and what is fashionable at the moment. They would be unable to blog daily if Yummy Mummy were, let's say, a magazine. Naturally a magazine would be the non-ICT solution were they to need one, however, it would take much more skill, they woud need more pictures and more work to be done, were it this solution.
Yummy Mummy bloggers go online for ten minutes, write up the day's blog, add a photo and log off again, done in less than fifteen minutes, whereas a non-ICT solution would be spent longer. If somone wrote something they wanted to change, they could change it easily, whereas for a non-ICT solution, they wouldn't be able to change it.

Consider wider (social, organisational, legal etc) implications of providing an ICT solution.
From blogging, you can add posts on Facebook, Twitter and MySpace, making it a larger social network, and in this day in age, if you want to be known, being social is the fastest way. It is also due to Economics, since it is cheaper to use the internet and to blog rather than pay for a magazine.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Gantt and Pert Charts

Gantt Charts

  • - bar charts
    - time shedules
    - start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project
    - breakdown structure of project
    - show dependency (i.e., precedence network) relationships between activities
    - show current schedule status using percent-complete shadings and a vertical "TODAY" line as shown here

Pert Charts

- stands for Program Evaluation Review Technique
- project management tool used to schedule, organize, and coordinate tasks within a project
- methodology developed by the U.S. Navy in the 1950s to manage the Polaris submarine missile program
- presents a graphic illustration of a project
- presented as a network diagram
- consists of numbered nodes (either circles or rectangles) representing events, or milestones in the project linked by labelled vectors (directional lines) representing tasks in the project
- direction of arrows on lines shows sequence of tasks
- In the diagram, for example, the tasks between nodes 1, 2, 4, 8, and 10 must be completed in sequence
- these are called dependent or serial tasks
- the tasks between nodes 1 and 2, and nodes 1 and 3 are not dependent on the completion of one to start the other and can be undertaken simultaneously
- these tasks are called parallel or concurrent tasks
- tasks that must be completed in sequence but that don't require resources or completion time are considered to have event dependency
- these are represented by dotted lines with arrows and are called dummy activities
- for example, the dashed arrow linking nodes 6 and 9 indicates that the system files must be converted before the user test can take place, but that the resources and time required to prepare for the user test (writing the user manual and user training) are on another path
- numbers on the opposite sides of the vectors indicate the time allotted for the task

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

What I shall have to do...

To answer my other blog, I shall be creating a website, with all the frames, the static things like pictures, banners, websites they use regularly, everything that a normal blog and pages need. I shall include 2 oe 3 blogs that I have copied and pasted from the real Yummy Mummy website, to show how it would be like.

Monday, 8 November 2010

A question I need to answer urgently...

Yummy Mummy is aleady a website that is up and running. It is run by the 8 most influential women in Hong Kong, who each write blogs and find dates and then give the information to a professional website maker, who adds photos and videos relating to what is being said.
??? Do I write the blogs, or copy and paste what is being written on the real website ???
??? Should I just make a template for the website and let my client add the information she wants on the blogs once I'm done ???
??? Can I really do this ???

Monday, 1 November 2010

My first meeting with my Client

What is Yummy Mummy?
A website for urban moms in and around Hong Kong that offers the 'insider's guide to motherhood'. Updated daily, Yummy Mummy Asia gives the scoop on what’s fun, fashionable and cool for families in Hong Kong and beyond, and is run by a group of 8 of the city’s most in-the-know moms.
Yummy Mummy Asia provides readers with:
-A daily blog posting on a topic/event/etc that relates to moms, kids and families in and around Hong Kong. This should be prominent and featured.
-Other important 'fixed' features include: A directory (ie: Mom's Little Black Book); an event calendar/listing of the best events and activities that week in HK for kids/families; a showcased menu of the week; Q&A of the week with an expert in a variety of categories (health, fashion, nutrition, education, etc etc).
Navigation requirements:
-The blogs are all categorized across a variety of topics (health, style, home, events + activities, travel, etc), as well as by age (maternity, babies, kids, tweens, Yummy Mummies). There must be a way to search, pull up or show the past content of the blog based on these (ie: be able to pull up the past posts that have to do with Travel, for instance, or maternity).
-Posts are also 'tagged' to help users find content they are interested in. These tags are more precise than the category tags (ex: sports, beauty, fashion, etc). So likewise, there should be way to view all blog posts under a certain 'tag.'
-A search box, box for subscribe to our newsletter, plus our social media sites like facebook and twitter should be included.
Look & Feel's audience is sophisticated, educated, well-traveled, and affluent. The look of the site should reflect this. We do not want the site to look like it's just for moms of little kids - we want it to look simple and polished. We don't want lots of gimmicks, but rather want a clean home page that is pleasant, easy to navigate.
-Our principle color is a shade of lilac/light purple. Pops of other secondary colors are welcome, but again we want the overall look and feel to be simple, rather than aggressive.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Mind Map

In class today I created a mind map about things I will need to work on. I added different questions regarding what I shall have to do, and I will need to find the answers to them to ensure my project will continue as smoothly as possible. I shall have to find a way to create a facebook page for the Yummy Mummy group and inlcude pictures that I have taken and enhanced to make it look professional.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Project Declaration

Here is my Project Declaration form, including what I plan to have, what objectives I have and what areas I plan to work on, for instance pictures and multimedia.
My website shall have banners, logos, blogs, pictures, videos, animation and hyperlinks.

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Response to Choosing my Project

I have chosen Yummy Mummy Website. This means that I shall be creating a website for my mother, Sooni Gander and a bunch of her friends. Ms. Patterson has read my plan and agrees that it is a good idea.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Finalising my project

My Project, I have decided, is the Yummy Mummy Website, which I shall do for my mother, Sooni Gander, and her group of mothers. I shall be in charge of the website, in which I shall be adding adds, banners, blogs, pictures, logos, movies and hyperlinks to other relevant websites. Sooni Gander has agreed to be my clientele, and we shall be having meetings and videoing them for proof. She has already given me a vague list of what she expects on this website, which I have named above. I might also be talking to some of the other members of this group to gain more information.

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Ideas for my project

Idea 1: Refugees – Christian Action
Person in charge / clientele: Deborah Chang
What to do: I aim to raise awareness of the way these people are treated, where they come from, what they are coming from and how they can benefit any aid that comes their way. To show people what a life as a refugee is like, I shall be able to add interactive pictures, three dimensional pictures and videos, ways to help and information about the refugees. The idea is to increase awareness, and since not many people know/want to go on the Refugee website, I would like to create a website in which people can easily and enjoyably go on, to see if they can help. The way I plan to do this will be to use a number of different technology skills, such as perhaps, an improved webpage, stating these facts and asking people for help. I can embed videos of their homes, where they come from and what happens when they come to Hong Kong, pictures that I take, using them to appeal to peoples’ sense of guilt and emotions. I can also include animated introductions and banner adverts too other sites. I can also, if I want to extend my skills further, create an interactive website.

Idea 2: Yummy Mummy Website
Person in charge / clientele: Sooni Gander
What to do: It is a new founded group to help young mothers in Hong Kong to care for their children, especially new born babies. It includes things from things such as where to find second hand prams to places where children can eat. Their aim is to gather information for such places, add blogs so that people can record their findings, or say what they think of something, whether it be a place or what they brought. To be able to do this, they require a fully functioning website in which they can add the different information stated above. I shall be able to look up a range of other websites that can help give information for this topic, and I shall also be including blogs and such for Mothers to put in information.
Create a website that includes:
o Banner
o Logo
o Heading
o Pictures
o Illustrations
o Other links
o Blogs
o Links to other websites

Idea 3: Language Website
Person in charge / clientele: Mrs. Onsiong
What I have to do: Create a series of blogs, videos or a website in which the WIS students may be able to access and learn different languages. Choosing a specific language, perhaps French or Spanish, I shall be able to add games, grammar points, videos, interactive games, reading and writing stories and vocabulary points to aid students doing either GCSE, IGCSE or starting the language for the first time. Many times, students don’t learn enough, or more, they don’t hear enough of the language. To be able to study outside of the classroom – if they can go online to study, listen to the language and study grammar. I shall be able to start a website and create the videos. Using a number of technological skills, I shall embed these videos, games, and blogs so that anyone who is studying the language can access it.

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Diigo My Library

This is my Diigo My Library Hyperlink. This is where I shall add any websites, pictures, text or any thing else i find on the internet during my quest to complete my IEA Diploma in Applied ICT.