Friday 26 August 2011

Starting my website

Mr. Brown helped me set up by website. There was a slight problem, with the fact that the website I had chosen to host my website could not be used in Dreamweaver. So Mr. Brown is helping me set up a Local Folder in Dreamweaver, and I shall create my website directly onto Dreamweaver. From there, I shall begin creating my website.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Finished Creativty and Originality

Now that I have finished my Planning and Research section and my Originality and Creativity section, I shall begin completing my final project. I shall look back to my Planning and Research section and look through my tutorials and website makers and decide which one I shall use.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Justification of using an ICT solution:

I explained why an ICT solution is appropriate, considering other non-ICT solutions in my explanation. I also considered wider (social, organisational, legal etc) implications of providing an ICT solution. I copied this from the Planning and Research Folder, since I had already done this before.

I looked at a series of websites with the theme Newspapers vs Internet News (website 1). We are becoming more and more involved with the internet, using it now, not only to communicate with others and to research, but to stay up-to-date with the world around us. Thus the point of using ICT comes into evidence. People are using ICT more and more now, and my end user wanted to connect with the world around her, by using an ICT product, rather than a less-used product such as a weekly magazine or leaflets. This product, by using ICT, enables users 24/7 use, can be updated daily without hassle and simply becomes more enjoyable to use and easier to work with.